The Strategic Plan Committee presented the TCOS Strategic Plan at the 2017 Annual General meeting and received feedback from the membership. This feedback was incorporated into an Action and Responsibility Chart that was circulated to the committee heads of each TCOS committee outlining the actions, activities and initiatives for each committee to undertake over the next five years to help the TCOS achieve its strategic goals
Sub Ad Hoc Committee - Social Media (Karen Nicholson / Liz Carson)
Sub Ad Hoc Committee - Sponsorship (Shannon Steeves / Sonia Manuchin)
The Canadian Orthoptic Council, COC has created a system whereby continuing education (CE) credits are assigned to various formal and less formal education opportunities. Submitting adequate CE credits is a requirement for Orthoptists needing to maintain their COC certification.The CE Committee is chaired by a member of the COC. Two TCOS members are elected to manage the 2 separate arms of the Committee. The Committee’s two arms are:
- Individual submissions of CE activities to the COC
- Credit application process to IJCAHPO, COC and/or AOC
Provide a forum for communication with Accreditation Canada, the Canadian Orthoptic Council via the Education Committee, and The Canadian Orthoptic Society on matters pertaining to accreditation and national orthoptic competencies. Proactively identify, initiate and implement projects which relate to education and research. Develop submissions, responses and press statements, as appropriate, on issues of national importance in the area of education of orthoptists.
Maintain relationships with and complement the work of other bodies involved with education for orthoptist including the IOA, AOC, COC and AACO.
The committee selects a topic and students entering their second year of study in a Canadian orthoptic training program may submit a topical paper for consideration. The student must adhere to all committee guidelines. The committee adjudicates submitted papers and selects the best entrant.
To review concerns pertaining to membership enrolment. To initiate opportunities which increase awareness of the TCOS and orthoptics amongst our membership.
SubCommittee - New Graduate Liaison
To support and communicate with new graduates of Canadian orthoptic training programs in order to improve their academic and clinical introduction to the profession of Orthoptics and the TCOS.
To initiate opportunities which increase awareness of the TCOS and orthoptics amongst the public and other allied health professionals.
Promoting professional and social relations through alternative platforms; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Keeping the membership informed of upcoming continuing education events, job postings and stimulating discussion/share experiences.
The first newsletter of the Canadian Orthoptic Society (TCOS) was published in January 2001 and by 2007 the newsletter was named "TCOS Focus". The Focus is a forum for TCOS members to communicate, inform, and learn about their Society and its members.
Reviews all requests for financial support and administers the Executive Funding Support project.
Responsible for content changes and information updates to the TCOS website.
Receives, organizes chronologically and stores files and information no longer in current use by the Society.
Responsible for posting employment opportunities to website.
Current webmaster: Dena Hudson
Obtain information pertaining to orthoptic journals and their availability to the TCOS membership. Order and distribute, at a cost, TCOS professional pins.
Obtain information pertaining to error and omissions insurance and provide these options at a cost to the members of the TCOS.
This committee maintains a good, professional relationship with current sponsors and facilitates recruitment of sponsorship opportunities in the future.
Assists with the organization, administration and event planning of the annual meeting.